Three concepts that will change how you think about your time.

Ty Clauss
2 min readApr 8, 2022

Studying time isn’t just for physicists and philosophers, it’s for everyday people who want to make the most of it.

Here are three concepts that’ll change how you think about time:

#1 — Time is Subjective

Perception of time is actually malleable. If you want life to feel longer than it actually is, here are a couple tips:

  • Have adventures. In his journey to becoming the American memory champion, Joshua Foer, author of “Moonwalking with Einstein”, discovered that variability in routine extends your sense of time. If you stick to routine, you’re more likely to feel like time flew by.
  • Blink less. Andrew Huberman explains on his podcast how by simply blinking less, perception of time will slow down. If you’re waiting in line at the DMV, blink more, your perception of time will speed up.

#2 — Compound Interest

Hopefully everyone has a friend, mentor, parent or adviser that told them about compound interest.

But compounding happens in other areas of life as well. It may not be as easy to measure how habits, skills and knowledge compound, but that doesn’t mean it’s not happening, just like in finance.

Adopting a more long-term orientation can help you take advantage of what compound interest has to offer.

#3 — Time Indifference

Indifference is a term used in game theory to describe the objective of playing such a well-balanced game that you’re indifferent to what the opposition does. This is a strategic approach players use when they’re outmatched.

When it comes to how much time we have, we’re outmatched by the universe. You may be surprised to find out that according to an actuarial life table only 88% of people make it to retirement age. 12% don’t.

That’s why you want to find the indifferent approach. It takes into consideration happiness both the short AND long-term.

Regardless of how you choose to spend it, it never hurts to know a little more about time.

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