The simple system that moves my life forward, day after day

Ty Clauss
1 min readApr 9, 2022

There is no shortage of internet creators, influencers and gurus preaching the benefits of daily journaling.

I’ve been keeping a daily journal myself for 100 days. Every morning I write down one intention, one small task, for each of the key areas in my life.

  • Wellness
  • Relationships
  • Knowledge
  • Adventure
  • Craft
  • Spirituality

I couldn’t be happier with the results. My life is moving in the direction I want, faster than ever. More importantly, I end each day knowing I spent my time on the right things.

I should emphasize the steps I’m taking are truly small. “Spirituality” usually means attempting to meditate for five minutes. Adventure could mean taking the dogs to a new park. A quick chat with a friend counts for relationships.

These are nano steps.

But that’s ok. Small steps build momentum. Over time, compounding interest will kick in and these everyday efforts will add up to something bigger.

A journal is the simple system that keeps you taking small steps, day after day.

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