Human happiness increases when we spend time on these 6 things.

Ty Clauss
2 min readApr 8, 2022

There are six activities that have been at the core of human survival for thousands, if not millions, of years.

The humans that enjoyed these activities were more likely to survive. While our survival doesn’t depend on these activities today, our happiness still does.

#1: Relationships

The Harvard Study of Adult Development tracked 724 men for 79 years.

As the men approached the end of their life there was one predictor of happiness that stood out over all others: the quality of their relationships.

Humans evolved to live in tribes, it’s no coincidence that relationships are the primary driver of joy and happiness.

#2: Movement

Our ancestors certainly weren’t sitting at a desk for 12 hours a day. They were busy finding healthy foods.

One of the easiest things we can do to improve our health is move. Typically we call that “exercise”, but walking, stretching and yoga work too.

#3: Knowledge

Our brains have always been at the center of what makes us different.

Despite our big brains, we used to live in the middle of the food chain. It was only the transfer of knowledge via language, from one person to another, from one tribe to another, over a long period of time, that the human race was catapulted to the top of the food chain.

#4: Adventure

A 2005 study that tracked 1500 women and correlated their mental health with their travel habits, found that even short vacations once every 3–4 months had a large impact on the incidence of depression.

We’re nomadic by nature, it’s important to spend time having adventures, even intermittently.

#5: Craft

Another trademark of the human race is our ability to use and create tools.

From spears to language, shelter to fire, we’ve been making useful stuff forever. We’re instinctive tinkerers, builders and creators.

#6: Spirituality

Humans have amassed an incredible amount of knowledge, but there’s still a lot we don’t know.

I don’t know for sure that spirituality helped us survive, but it’s certainly an ever present element in societies of all kind.

Spirituality helps us deal with what we do not know.

Spending time on our most hardwired activities is a surefire way to give your happiness a boost.

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