Don’t waste your time on that side hustle (at least not yet)

Ty Clauss
2 min readMar 22, 2022

First let’s get one thing clear: I’ve never created a successful side hustle. But there’s a good reason for that. I’ve always tried to jump in at the “side hustle” part. I’m guessing there’s a more natural way to incubate all that passive-income everyone is after, and it starts with interests.

Interests → “this seems cool”

Pastimes → “this is cool”

Hobbies → “I want to be great at this”

Side Hustles → “I am great at this, and it would be easy to make some $$$

Main Hustles → “fuck it, I’m going full-time”

It’s like a creator funnel. You start with a huge number of interests, you even spend time on a few. Some of them you actually get good at. Then all of a sudden you have an opportunity to make money with the knowledge you built.

What you don’t do, I imagine, is jump straight to the side hustle part. If you take this route, like I have, your side hustle will be difficult to pull together. Who won’t have any unique skills or knowledge, and when the going gets tough you won’t have enough passion to stick it out.

If you’re starting a side hustle, make sure it’s incubated in your Interests, Pastimes and Hobbies.

That’s the approach I’m taking with my writing:

Interest 12 year old Ty thinks writing is cool, likes English class.

Pastime Ty writes for the college magazine.

Hobby Ty starts writing on the internet and joins Ship 30 for 30.

Side Hustle Follow me on Twitter @ty_clauss to see how this part goes…

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